Sunday, November 29, 2015

Eat because of stress? So put an end to it

Living in the land, and the cost of living in the shadow of the attacks taking place in recent months, along with routine management, work and family - may lead to an increased feeling of pressure.
Stress is a condition characterized by feeling the pinch, resulting from an imbalance as a result of external stimuli tangible and / or psychological. These situations may become difficult to cope, and many of us are turning to the refrigerator, looking for reassurance.
The food in these situations, is a fast and available contributes to feeling good and feeling relaxed, but this feeling is momentary and ends often within minutes of eating, and brings a sense of disappointment, frustration, lack of efficacy and eating again repeated. This creates a cycle of eating. Click - Acilh-- frustration and disappointment - eating again ..
So what to do and how to break the cycle of wicked "?
The main way to change the situation, is to break the link between eating comfort and a good feeling, and bring us self-control. That is to stop the automatic operation of tightness eating.
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The steps for change
1. The will and consensus for change: First of all, to change the situation have to agree that we are ready to change the relationship between emotional eating. This does not mean that you will enjoy eating more, but you will agree that eating means of unloading the pressure.
2. Ads:
Second step in the process is the awareness of the body and eating. We would like to tell the difference between eating and stress eating hunger. Note that it occurs when eating and to differentiate it from eating as a result of hunger. Eating out pressure is emotional eating, and it occurs when we are not hungry at all.
3. Exit action: The third step, after you have accepted change and you know how to diagnose the emotional eating, now is the time also to change it by a few rules: distance, time, alternative action.
4. Distance:
It is recommended to stay away from the food, for example to go to, to get out or simply get out of the kitchen. The physical distance from food, helps to change the automatic process of pressure  food.
5. Action Alternative: Leave the area and contributes to food, but the pressure is still there. To unload the pressure and treat emotional state, have to find an alternative action that gives me the same feeling good and relaxed. It is not recommended to start thinking about action when we are under pressure, because then we do not think about anything. But to prepare for it in advance. Now that you are relaxed and not under pressure, it's the best time. Make a list of at least five different activities you love to do, that help you unload your stress and relax. For example, arranging home, listening to music, walking outdoors and talking with a good friend.
6. Time:
The more stretched the time between stimulus for eating (pressure) and the eating, stop the automatic operation, strengthen the sense of self-control and ability to cope with the situation. Even if success does not eat at first five minutes, continued the process, then it will be 10 minutes and 20 minutes, to a situation you do not have much eating as a solution for dealing with stress.
In conclusion, eating under stress in particular Emotional eating at all is a known phenomenon, but like any habit can be changed afterwards with satisfaction and improved awareness, the right tools and guidance.
Meital Shimob author Buttercup is a clinical dietitian and owner of "BYou custom diet", mentor improving dietary habits and lifestyle.

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