Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Ran Shmueli recipe salad beets colorful

Mozzarella salad with beets and pickled apples. Recipe Shmueli
Sarit font
Chef Ran Shmueli Mmsaddt "Claro", took on a special mission, he will conduct the gala evening culinary side of Rett Syndrome Association - "Dancing on behalf of Silent Angels".
Rett Syndrome Association, notes that the syndrome awareness month and has evening (Monday), special fundraising event, when the menu trust Shmueli, with the help of landscape Atamna-Ismail, winner of "Master Chef".
"Beyond volunteering largest fundraising event, thought to raise awareness on another front: at Claro. To this end, we have assembled the portions of our virtues, color associated with the organization," said Shmueli.
The dish offered at Claro: roasted beets salad, buffalo mozzarella, roasted pine nuts // ₪ 54
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Colored beets salad recipe:
2 kg of beets, small-if you can get several different colors
4-5 colored beets Fresh
Sherry vinegar
Pine nuts vinaigrette:
Cup pine nuts
2 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons sherry vinegar
1/2 teaspoon salt

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